Traveling to the supermarket is an adventure unto itself. Everyone from home asks me what I eat and all I can say is that I get creative and cook for myself. Thank you to all my family and friends who have sent me snacks and food from home! It is greatly appreciated.

Nearly all of the coffee here is instant

The Koreans have a love for moon pies

That love does not compare to their love of SPAM

SPAM in all its glory

Assorted pickled and mind-boggling spicy vegetables

Ritz crackers and Oreos Korean styles. The Ritz crackers come in various fillings, none that tempt me, personally.

I do not know what is worse:
Not finding avocados in Korea or finding avocados but at 6 dollars for two. I have never paid more than a dollar for an avocado and I don't plan to start now.

Instead of offering string cheese as a snack for children and adults alike Koreans offer meat sticks. Like a "gogurt" but in meat form. They are sold EVERYWHERE and mostly at room temperature...ugh.

Dried baby fish. I believe they are used to season broths and soups.