Cheuseok is the Korean Thanksgiving holiday. To celebrate the director of our school gave each teacher an extra day off, a bottle of Korean wine and then assembled all teachers to make the traditional Cheuseok ricecakes.

This is the filling of the ricecake

The taste is very similar to the Puerto Rican sugar/candy stuff Dad sent me

Let's do this

Hehe...which one does not belong?

Here is my first attempt...notice how it is not smooth and oddly shaped

Look at my ricecake in the center surrounded by the lovely creations by the Korean teachers. The saying is that if you make a a nice, compact looking ricecake you will have beautiful daughters, an ugly ricecake constitutes an ugly son. All of my ricecakes have left me a future full of hideous,smelly, three-armed sons.

Since I lack the delicate hands needed for making ricecakes I decide to play and cover my entire hand in the dough. It was a bit difficult to I only covered part of it

Sarah shows off the die she made and Janet just smiles sweetly...Remember we got to do this instead of work
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