Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Trial & Error RICE

So my fellow teacher Janet decided she wanted to cook beans and rice for dinner. The beans were dry and by the 40 minute mark we decided we were to hungry to wait and stuffed them in the fridge. Throughout the whole bean cooking ordeal Janet was becoming increasingly frustrated that the rice was so sticky (imagine white rice with elmer’s glue). Being Puerto Rican and non-sticky rice our specialty I tried to salvage it…really I did…. We each did actually. The rice ended up with stir-fried vegetables (seasoned with garlic and balsamic vinegar and my contribution), meat tenderizer, oregano, soy sauce, a raw egg and a random ramen seasoning package (Janet’s contribution). It smelled heavenly, looked disgusting and sheer hunger made it edible.

My plate

The chefs

Sheer hunger...seriously

The fellow teachers "enjoy" their meals

We killed it


By the next day I was itching for the rice the way my Mami taught me to make. The girls were eager to see if my experiment would work. Could I make white rice that had flavor and was dry with the Korean rice? Could I ever? IT WAS PERFECT!!! It even had PEGAO (No picture evidence though because we were to happy eating…Gracias mom!) I have been asked to give a lesson.


Ian said...
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Ivonne said...

Lola your face is priceless........